Learn to DJ - DJing Tips

Learn to DJ

Why Proper DJ Skills Are Important
Why you need to learn special skills to DJ.
What Is Mixing?
DJ mixing explained.
Track Structure
Beats, bars, phrases, and parts of a typical dance track explained.
DJ Mixing Step by Step
Making those smooth transitions between tracks.
How to Match Phrases
Getting your tunes' phrases aligned.
EQing for Killer Blends
How to use the mixer EQ during transitions.
Effects and Tricks to Spice Up Your Set
Mixer tricks to keep the dancefloor happy.
Backspins, Stops and Power-Offs
DJ tricks using a vinyl turntable.
Harmonic Mixing: Intro
Why mix harmonically.
How to Find the Key of a Song by Ear
Keying tracks the old-school way.
The Lazy DJ’s Guide to Keying Tracks
How to key your tunes with software.
How to Mix Harmonically
Building your set with the tunes' keys in mind.
The Basics of Keys
Keys, scales and tonics explained.